Plainfield Government
Plainfield government is staffed by dedicated volunteers, employees, and residents with a passion for community. Departments and Boards are staffed by town employees and elected officials, while committees and commissions are staffed by dedicated volunteers.
Town Government Meetings: Cemetery Commission, Scheduled as needed Conservation Commission, Third Wednesday each month Cutler Memorial Library Trustees, Fourth Tuesday each month Development Review Board (DRB), Second Wednesday each month Hazard Mitigation Committee, Third Thursday each month Plainfield Historical Society, First Thursday each month Planning Commission, First and third Mondays each month Recreation and Public Arts Committee, Scheduled as needed Revolving Loan Committee, Scheduled as needed Select Board, Second and fourth Mondays each month Social Concerns Committee, As needed during October/November Water/Wastewater Commission, Third Tuesday each month All meeting warnings are posted at the Municipal Building and on the Town website Boards Departments Commissions Committees |