Planning Commission
The Plainfield Planning Commission meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:00 PM at the Town Office. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Suggested Changes to the Draft Zoning ahead of the Select Board Hearing The Plainfield Planning Commission is the volunteer municipal body appointed by the Select Board that creates the Town Plan and makes changes to the Zoning Ordinance. The Development Review Board and Zoning Administrator oversees compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
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Zoning amendments coming.
The Planning Commission has completed a draft of changes to Plainfield’s Zoning Ordinance. This Zoning Draft Propsal is the version the Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on Monday Janurary 6th 2024 After making any changes as a result of the public input, the Select Board will also hold public hearings on the draft and then, after any other changes, it will be put to a town vote.
This draft will replace the existing zoning and subdivision It includes the erosion and landslide hazards based on current studies and data points. The previous flood section only managed inundation events. This draft includes the current state standards for all of the hazards and it's important to recognize that when there is a damaging event, the state level of reimbursement is based on what kind of regulations are in effect in the town. A higher standard of protection allows for a higher percentage of reimbursement. Since Plainfield has a history of recurring damaging flood events it's important the town has the state approved regulations for flood hazards. This is a copy of the draft that shows all the changes compard to the existing zoning and subdivision regulations. Comparitive Draft Plainfield's Zoning Ordinance implements the new Town Plan approved by the Select Board on April 12, 2021. The Planning Commission worked for two years preparing a new Town Plan after the previous Town Plan had expired. Many thanks for hard work! The 2021 Plainfield Town Plan outlines our community's: