News From the Highway Department
More Storage!!
The road crew has struggled with a lack of storage problem in the Town Garage for many years. This year, the Select Board authorized the building of a new structure to remedy the problem!
An unused strip of land in back of the small bay building was chosen as the site for the new storage shed. The town retained a local contractor, Copping Construction, and the project was completed before on time and before winter arrives! Many thanks to Copping Construction and the Select Board from the Highway Department! |
Upgraded (no pun intended) Roads in 2019
Each year, Plainfield allocates funds to specifically address problems on the paved segments of our road system. Three problem areas that the Highway Department remediated this year were Towne Avenue, the entrance to Martin Meadow, and the bottom of East Hill Road.
On the East Hill segment, the Highway Department coordinated with the Waster/Wastewater Committee to address issues with the manholes. Our crew still has more work to do! The shoulders of our paved roads need to be filled and leveled, which we hope to have completed by October 21. |
New Shelter at the Post Office
A few years back, local support led to the creation of two public bus stops in Plainfield. One is located at the Park & Ride, the other on Route 2. In support of these efforts, the Selectboard authorized local builders, New Frameworks Natural Design, to create a shelter at the Park and Ride. The structure was made of plexiglass and aluminum.
In 2015, the Chittenden County Transportation Authority and Green Mountain Transit Authority awarded Plainfield a timber-framed shelter as recognition for the large number of passengers from the town. The Select Board decided to relocate the plexiglass shelter to the Post Office. This relocation required a significant amount of paperwork to receive authorization from the State, property owners, etc. In the interim, the shelter was stored at the town garage. A new addition to the Highway Department Shed re-ignited the effort to move the old shelter to its new home near the Post Office on Route 2. However, the three years of storage created some maintenance issues; so David Strong and the Road Crew broke out the pressure washer and soap. Mike, Steve, and Michael hauled the structure from the garage to its new location. They dug the foundation and filled it with crushed compacted asphalt. After is was leveled, the bus shelter was put in place. Thanks to the Plainfield Selectobard, Sasha Thayer (Chair), Tammy Farnham, and Jim Volz. Also thanks to the Plainfield Highway Department, Mike Nolan (Road Foreman), Steve Maclaren, and Michael Bingham. Special Thanks to David Strong for coordinating and supervising (not to mention pressure washing). Note: The bench will be installed in the next few weeks as some graffiti still needs to be removed. |