Winooski River Cleanup - September 30
Friends of the Winooski River is hosting a riverbank clean-up in Plainfield on September 30, 2023, from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Get your feet wet and help keep Plainfield rivers clean and beautiful! Meet at the Recreation Field at 9:00 AM for orientation and equipment and get assigned to a site. Volunteers should come prepared to get wet and dirty! You would be surprised just how much fun can be had removing riverbank treasures. Looking for what to wear or what to bring? Here’s our advice!
Specialty Items: If you’ve got them and want to bring them, please do!
If you have a 5-gallon bucket you would like to donate, please bring it along as we’ll use the buckets to gather smaller trash. Protection from the elements including sun, rain, and ticks is recommended. The cleanup will happen rain or shine with the exception of severe weather or high-water levels. For more information: [email protected] / 802-323-6211. If the cleanup is canceled, we will update our social media and website. |